Aiming at intellectual and social upliftment of the female students and staffs, the cellstands for facilitating women's empowerment through guest lectures, seminars, awareness programmes and other welfare activities.
“I take this pledge in the name of my mother
I will always treat all women with dignity and respect
I will never physically or mentally abuse any women
I will remain committed to the elimination of violence against women”
Every citizen of the country, male and female, enjoys the right to education and employment in an environment of safety and security. The Constitution of India provides for “Gender Equality” and the “Right to life and liberty” to all persons under Articles 14, 19 and 21.It is thus the duty and mandate of every organization to provide maintenance of the fundamental rights to live and work with dignity for all employees: male and female. At the same time, persons sometimes face violations of their fundamental rights. This necessitates the establishment of safeguards to provide gender equality. Due to the historical reasons, working women, often face difficulties and challenges at the work place, thereby necessitating the need for protective measures that safeguard women’s rights and safety.