Political Science
The Department started since inception of the College i.e., 1958. since then it has emerged itself as one of the Excellent Department in terms of strength of the students both UG level, as well as in providing infrastructure viz; fully computerized Department, with all office files and Registers, printed notes posted in Department Blog www.sahityapolity.blogspot.com and web site https://sahityagenderchamps.wixsite.com. All teaching materials,, PPT module for all chapters for all 6 semesters are posted , department has successfully conducted Two National Seminars one on “Regionalism and National Integration-Challenges and Prospects” in feb 24th 2015 and other national seminar on topic-“Globalization A Strategy towards Women Empowerment” in September 24th and 25th 2016, and an International Seminar on Topic-“ International Terrorism and Women Trafficking- Challenges and Policy Options”on Jan31st &01 Feb 2019 and International Webinar on "Shifting Paradigms in National and International Politics in Global Pandemic scenario COVID-19 -Major Issues and Challenges”on 08 &09th October-2021other Activities includes conducting Census surveys, Group Discussions, Students projects, Debates and youth forums.
⦁ Training India’s future political and civic leaders
⦁ To make better citizens of India
⦁ To empower students with latest current events, and burning issues and make them competent to appear in any competitive spheres of life.
⦁ Ultimately, the Philosophy Program seeks to prepare students to deal with the complexities of life, which offers challenges that are often neither simple nor obvious.
⦁ “Preparing students to live wisely,” is the mission of the Department of Political science
⦁ The Political Science Department seeks to provide students with a learning experience that will equip them to face the challenges of an increasingly complex job market and prepare them to become active and engaged citizens at the local, national and international levels.
⦁ The Political Science course provides students with a broad-based political education that is grounded in the field's theoretical traditions. This includes a strong background in the fundamental branches of our discipline: Indian politics, comparative politics, international politics, political theory and public administration.
⦁ Political Science students acquire practical experience and develop connections in the community through a variety of legal internships.
⦁ Our extracurricular activities, such as students surveys, field trips, help students become engaged in local politics. Students gain abilities to critically assess contemporary political events and identify practical solutions to social problems.
⦁ Political Science students develop analytical and methodological skills that will serve them well regardless of their chosen profession.
⦁ Academic excellence
⦁ Creativity and innovativeness
⦁ Freedom of thought and expression
⦁ Quality customer service
⦁ Good corporate governance
⦁ Responsible citizenship
Programs Offered.
B.A, - Political Science /HEP (T/M)
History, Economics & Political Science Telugu Medium
B.A, - Political Science /HPU (U/M)
History, Political Science & Advance Urdu (Urdu Medium)
MODERN TEACHING METHODS The department of political science envisages complete computerization in delivering lectures by extensive usage of power point presentations,LCT Internet based printed notes is made available in our college website, and it's our sincere Endeavour to make student teacher learning process more innovative fashion.
CREATIVE METHODS The new methods of evaluations followed in central universities have being followed namely conducting
Social awareness club
Competitive services awareness club
Comprising students programming,planning and Execution.