Online Admission Processwas introduced for admission into Under Graduate Programmes offered by the DegreeCollegesinthestate as per G.O Ms. No.34 Higher Education. To promote merit, achieve excellence, curbmalpractices, implement reservations, conduct fair, non-discriminatory and merit based admissions inatransparentbasisin thelargerinterestandwelfareofthestudent community.
As per G.O.Ms.No. 46 HE (CE), non professional Degree Programmesshall be 4-year Honours Programme from the academic year 2020– 21. There will beanexit option after3years withDegree.
The eligible candidates who passedout from BoardofIntermediate,AP or other recognized Boards are eligible to participate in web counselling for the seats available in Undergraduate Programmes in Arts, Science, Social Sciences,Commerce, Management, Computerapplications and Social Work, etc., leading to the award of B.A.,B.Sc.,B.Com.,BBA.,B.Voc,B.F.A, 5year integrated PGprogrammes with Intermediate qualification(with the exception of Engineering and Pharmacy streams)etc, in Government Degree Colleges, Government Autonomous Degree Colleges, Private Aided Degree Colleges, Private Unaided Degree Colleges, Private AutonomousDegree Colleges (Aided and Unaided) in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Admission Process:
The online admission process comprising ofregistration,paymentofprocessingfeeandpendingcertificateverificationwillbeconducted.
Payment of Processing fee: Through online by credit card/debit card/ (or) net banking through the “Pay Processing Fee” link in the web site
All the eligible and desirous candidates can pay the processing fee using URL
Processing fee can be paid through online using credit card or debit card or through internet banking.
Verification of Certificates:
On successful payment of processing fee, Application Number and Password will be provided through SMS to the Mobile number furnished at the time of filing the PreRegistration Page.
By clicking the “Click here for Submitting the Application Details” the OnlineApplication shall be filled. Photograph and signature of the candidate need to beuploaded.
Candidates whose certificate data is already verified through web services canproceedforexercising web-options.
For candidates whose certificate data is incomplete, an SMS will besent toattendforverification ofcertificates at HLC.
By entering the Application Number,dateof birth and password thecandidate can exercise the options from Internet facility available at Home/InternetCafé/Helpline Center.
Unless the candidate fills in the application details online and exercises weboptions,hewillnot beconsideredforallotmentofa seat.
For any Help suchas change of Mobilenumber, NonReceipt of LoginId, Registration Number or any other corrections, candidates are requested to approach nearest HelpLine centers with valid proof.
Allotments now made are subject to the grant of affiliation from the University.
Detailed instructions for options entry i.e Instruction Manual for candidates will beplacedin home page of